How To Create The Perfect Pin On Pinterest

The perfect pin on Pinterest

Hi bloggers,

Why are your pins looking bad and no one is checking your pins? Before you go all out pinning you must know that Pinterest is a visual viewer and displays the perfect pin ratio first.

Table of Contents

1. Perfect pin ratio.

Creating pins to max out impressions starts with knowing the pin ratio. You will see a whole lot of various types of sizes, but according to Pinterest guidelines, 👉 the best ratio is 2/3 ratio in other words 1000 px wide x 1500 px tall.

2. Pin text.

Pin text consists of titles and descriptions. 

The best Pin titles should be 40 characters or words. The best PIN descriptions should be 100 words. You can also add alt text, meaning that hard of hearing can check your pin.

3. Pin designs.

I use Canva Pro to create the best pin, but if you don’t have it yet, use the Pinterest guidelines.

* You can try Canva Pro for 30 days. To activate your Canva Pro account, you’ll need to enter a credit card or your PayPal details. You can cancel any time during your trial and won’t be charged.

  • Use a vertical image.

Use high-quality images that stand out in a user’s feed. We recommend an aspect ratio of 2: 3 (e.g. 1000 x 1500 pixels). With other aspect ratios, your pin may be cut off or performance may deteriorate.

  • Make your brand the center of attention.

Make your product or service the center of attention. Avoid abstract images or lifestyle images that are not specific to your brand.

  • Show your logo.

Put your logo on each pin, but keep it subtle. Avoid the bottom right corner because that’s where Pinterest product icons will be.

  • Add text overlays.

Text overlay is the text that appears on your pin image to make it stand out. Keep the text short for good readability on mobile devices. Create separate Pins for each country you target so that they can be translated into the local language.

  • Check out your links.

If your pin includes a link, make sure the link is active and fast-loading. Your Creative Pins show people what to expect when they click them. Make sure the subject and images from your destination site match your PIN.

  • Optimize your pin text.

Clear titles and descriptions mean your pin will be discovered more quickly in the search results.

Do not forget that your link is active and place legit links because that can boost your traffic to your website. That link is called the destination link, so don’t link to spam or some fake website that is not trusted by Pinterest. In the past, I saved other pins to my board, and they deleted them. That can put your Pinterest profile back.


5. Pin thumbnails (only video pins).

Do you know about video pins? Video pins are great but there are some rules to achieve the best quality pins.

It is recommended that you create pins of this kind with the following points: 

  • Resolution: 540 px wide x 960 px tall (or larger).
  • Duration: At least 4 seconds.
  • Ratio: 2 wide : 3 tall (or less wide, taller).
  • Title Length: 40-100 chars
  • Description Length: 100+ chars
  • Destination Link: Have a destination link (link to your website)


Creating pins is hard to do when you have the wrong specifications. Even if you have the right tools, you can spend a lot of time digging into Pinterest rules, and all your valuable years are lost. You can outsource it which can save you time or do it yourself.

With Canva you can start creating the best (video) pin graphics.

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