How Animations Keep Viewer Attention Best #1 Advice (Infographic)

The content and infographic are from OneProductions

How animations keep viewer attention

Keeping the viewer’s attention

Video content is king in the current market and it now makes up 80% of all web traffic. Standing out in such a high-volume, competitive market is hard work and that is why using a memorable video format is essential.

Animated marketing videos are a great way to boost the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. They can describe your product pleasingly and excitingly in less than two minutes, which will provide an engaging experience for your audience.

When it comes to online material consumption, people’s preferences are very clear and consistent, they prefer to watch a video over reading something written.

When compared to the number of individuals who will sit down and read an entire blog piece, nearly 80% of people will watch the entire video.

Animated vs Live-Action

Professional animation videos are less expensive to produce than professional live-action videos in terms of production costs.

For this style of video, you’d need to hire actors, choose multiple locations, arrange shooting, assemble a crew, rent or acquire equipment, and then go into post-production mode.

Some of them would even require animation, such as graphic design and particular transitions. All of this inevitably leads to a lot of money being spent.

Animated In SEO

By simply adding a video to a website, it can attract up to 2 to 3 times as many monthly visitors, who will spend twice as much time on the site and benefit from a 157% boost in organic search traffic.

In comparison to only having written material, a video placed on a website will approximately triple the average of connecting sites. 

Firms that use video in their marketing initiatives receive over 40% more traffic from search engines than businesses that don’t. Similarly, videos that feature on a landing page can increase conversions by up to 80%.

The video gurus at OneProduction have created an infographic on the topic of “How Animations Keep Viewer Attention”.

They look at the facts to know when it comes to animation; 9 things that set animations apart; 6 types of animation to try and how you can inspire viewers with animated content.

See the full infographic below!

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