4 Tips To Create A Membership Site Around Your Blog

4 Tips To Create A Membership Site Around Your Blog

Blog community

Do you want to know the tools for creating a blog community?

In my early blogging days, I struggled to create a membership site.

I didn’t see the performance, and I was trying so hard.

  1. At first, I thought should I blog every day?
  2. Maybe that helps then I thought should I blog short or long?

I was fooling myself into thinking that I knew it by reading other great sources.

For some privacy reasons, I avoided creating a social media account. Data Breach (jump down to 2018-2019).

After learning how to deal with data, I created social media accounts. The next question was which one?

Tip 1. Use Social Media Tools

In the marketing section of the WordPress admin panel, there are 6 free social media tools.

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Instagram
  4. Pinterest
  5. Linkedin
  6. Tumblr

Tip 2. Write Your Bio

Also, your blog bio has to be well written. Some readers want to get to know you before they decide to like or follow your blog.

  • The bio is something you can’t neglect and is vital for creating a blog community.
  • A great bio draws new readers and visitors to your blog.
  • A bio makes you stand out from the crowd.

Tip 3. Make It Shareable

Make sure that every blog you put online is ready for social shares.

That means if the reader decides that your story is good to share, then go at it.

Social shares make you ready to go viral any minute.

Tip 4. Be Professional With It

Promote your blog without any doubt and do not be ashamed or afraid to do it.

Be a professional with it think and overlook how you want to come across to your audience.

I created this video to look like a pro for business owners and customers.☝


Building a blog community needs a whole lot of planning, and it consumes much time.

For it’s helpful to know where to invest your time and what skills you need to grow.

Those are:

  1. Use social media tools
  2. Write your bio
  3. Make it shareable
  4. Be professional with it

Did you like to read this? Don’t forget to like and share. See more by following me and keep informed of my blog tips when they are published. Thank you.

Creating a blog community needs time, patience, and growing.

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10 responses to “4 Tips To Create A Membership Site Around Your Blog”

  1. Good tips!!

  2. Thank you!

  3. Great content 🙂 Thank you

  4. Thank you for your comment and the follow, I’m following you back.

  5. Nice tips, even I realized there is so much work to do for building such a site. Still learning 😊

  6. Same here. Still learning 😁

  7. You are welcome!

  8. Hey — I just want to say big props for all your helpful posts. I have been incorporating some of your ideas, and they are making a difference. FYI — methinks you have a typo. “Pinterest” is spelled incorrectly. I make typos also — gotta catch ’em all!

  9. Hi Jen,

    Thanks for pointing it out 😁! I have corrected it thanks again for it.

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